This thing happened hari nih. When i pick kids up t/hari tadi, i saw Ichlas wore different pant. Dlm hati mesti confirm he 'wet' at his school. He wore school punyer short.
Then we stopped at kedai buah jambu sblm balik rumah. sambil tunggu i checked kids' begs. Terkejut tgk his wet short tuh dlm beg with Iqra' book. dah la tuh bukan yer dlm plastic. mmg direct contact ngan his Iqra' book. Dah kembang sikit pun Iqra' book tuh. Padahal kids punya beg tuh ada jer partition lain.
Naik lawak lak tgk anak teruna aku sorang nih with big pant..nak terlondeh nampak bontot coz pant tuh besaq. Isk buat malu ja mummy nih boy....Hilang macho...
ok berbalik pada his Iqra' book tuh....menyesal lak i x balut ngan plastik awai2. but mmmm..kalu i balut pun rasa yer still kena gak kan...... My friend said....dah x leh guna coz dah lekat najis kat Iqra' tuh. dia suggest bakar n buy new one..sayang yer...coz everytime nanti i teach Ichlas, i mcm pegang najis gak la...
Plus tadi dah mereport kat Mr Hubby. then lps tuh trus i called Ichlas's teacher. BTW Ichlas teacher is chinese ladies.
Nih conversation with his teacher:
Me: Hi W*ndy, Im Watie. Ichlas's mom
Teacher: Yes..i now u.
Me: Tadi my boy yer seluar wet yer..
Teacher: That why lah...tadi i dlm kelas do art class, He go to the wash room alone. Tgk dia datang balik ke classroom dah x pakai seluar. He said his pant dah pet. coz he bring his pant masuk dlm washroom.
Watie: Who the pant inside his beg? Coz that wet pant put together with His Iqra' book.
Teacher: Itulah......Ichals selalu keluar masuk his book tuh. Sometime he throw that book.
Watie: Idont mind he throw that book . I can teach him. But the problem is that wet pant put together with his Iqra' book. That holly book. Dah x boleh dah guna
Teacher: Im sorry.
Watie: Ok but hopefully this thing will not happen again. If you dont have plastic at ur school, i'll bring it tomorrow. Bye
Being me yg ada darah keturunan Hang Tuah nih still angin satu badan la.... They shudnt do like that. hahahah nasib la lps nih aku parent yg glamer kat kids' school coz asyik complaint. Nasib la kan coz i want a value for evey $$$ that i paid. Nih berat hati kena la bakar Buku Iqra' tuh. btul tak my action nih?
betul la tuh..bakar. beli baru..sebab dah terkena najis..alahai boboi nih
ReplyDeleteNOra- tu lah
kalau lepas bkr tu jgn buang dlm tong sampah abu dier tu..
ReplyDeletekene buang dlm sungai atau air laut..
tanam pun x boley..