Last week, attended " Linux Desktop &" kat Cyberjaya. Suppose date g course tuh ada Teacher-Parent meeting kat kids' school. Sms-ed teacher nak jumpa last Thurday. Konon yer both of us -Me & Mr Hubby nak jumpa teachers but somehow Mr Hubby kena g office awai..ok fine....maka Mummy sorang yg pegi. Dlm hati sikit punya dup dap..Kalah mcm nak pi ambik result SPM ja.
Mula2 jumpa Teacher Jan( teacher Hani). Time tuh hani kat luar kelas dok practise
tuk sports day this coming Sunday. Teacher Jan tunjuk her progress report card n result of her mid term.
Alhamdulillah Hani did very well even she didnt score all subjects 100%. Why? coz she do many careless. Reason careless coz nak berlumba sapa hantaq paling awai kat teacher..boleh gitew?
Got positive remarks frm Teacher Jan in term of her participation in class n interest in learning. Cuma teacher cakap Hani nih dlm diam-diam, rupanya boleh tahan. I know what teacher meant!!
okeih nih lak pasai anak teruna kami sorang nih. She is only 3++ years old. Byk lagi yg perlu diimprovekan. Dari segi recognize alphabets n numbers. Ichlas confused B and D also in number 6 and 9.
dari segi performance during his MidTerm Exam, Ichlas waktu menjawab ikut suka hati ja... even with teacher's guide waktu menjawab but Ichlas nih keras kepala. For example ada one row full picture of fish but ada satu gambo chicken. Bila teacher tanya which one different, in verbal dia jawab chicken..bila teacher suruh circle..dia kata dia nak jugak circle fish....even teacher tanya byk kali....dia still jerit kat teacher dia..dia nak circle how????
Dari segi attitude, kat school Ichlas ikut mood nak participate..kalu muka dia chongggg ja, teacher tau he's not in good mood...apa2 teacher suruh he refused nak buat. Cuma yg paling dia suka time teacher baca buku cerita..dia org yg dok paling depan. Lagi satu...teacher cakap..Ichlas nih sikit2 nak tumbuk kawan2 n teacher jugak..Konon Ben10 lah tuh.. :P
kalu buat kerja kat school...selalu cakap kat teacher...." Teacher..penat la" " Teacher.....x larat la"..." Teacher...lapar la."... byk btul alasan...sama mcm kat rumah time buat homework.
Apa2 pun..mummy proud of you Ichlas..Long journey to go. n byk agenda yg mummy need to do n take the actions
Keluar2 school trus Mr Hubby call tanya how....Mlm Mr Hubby brought kids ke McD to treats the kids n mummy jugekkkkkk...
well done hani & ichlas.. yasmine ni aku x tau la result dia cmner.. last wk 26/6 ada PTM.. tp since kitorang kt kg, so x dpt attend.. try mtk principal arrange dis saturday.. tp blom kompem lg.. hopefully yasmine pon done well cam hani...