Dear parent-to-be or parents yg ada baby, Meh join this workshop. I got the invitation frm facebook.Nih info yg copy paste dr facebook J&J. sapa nak join FB nih boleh click kat SINI:

Dear Parent,
Did you know there’s magic in your hands? It’s true. Your loving touch creates a bond between you and your baby that’s unmistakably magical. But there’s more: did you know, studies have shown that infant massage increases a baby’s bone mass by 15%*?
Daily massage also helps strengthen your baby’s resistance, and builds his self-confidence. It’s what makes infant massage the perfect bonding activity for you and your little one! And rubbing a little JOHNSON’S® baby Oil during baby’s massage will protect him from friction and moisturise his skin – all while baby enjoys your loving touch.
Daily massage time with your baby doesn’t have to be complex; keeping it simple is key.
Here are a few tips on starting a daily massage routine for your baby
with JOHNSON’S® baby Oil:
• Start by finding a warm flat surface to lay your baby on, like a blanket or towel.
• Pour some JOHNSON’S® baby Oil onto your palms and rub them together to warm them and the oil
• Gently begin massaging your baby, starting from the head & face, moving towards the chest, then arms, legs, tummy, and then baby’s back. (Learn detailed techniques at our Touch Infant Massage Workshop Series!)
• Looking into his eyes & gently humming or singing as you massage will make the moment all the more special.
Join us at the JOHNSON’S® baby Touch Infant Massage Workshop to learn more on how to work your magical hands and bond better with baby. Discover proper techniques on infant massage, and get tips and guidance on how to bathe babies (great for first-time parents!)
• Sat, 3 Jul – Impiana Hotel, Ipoh (Closing Date : 19 Jun)
• Sun, 4 Jul – Evergreen Laurel, Penang (Closing Date: 20 Jun)
• Sat, 10 Jul – Avillion Legency Hotel, Melaka (Closing Date : 25 Jun)
• Sun, 11 Jul – The Zon Regency Hotel, Johor Bahru (Closing Date : 26 Jun)
• Sun, 18 Jul – Cititel Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur (Closing Date : 4 Jul)
• Sun, 25 Jull – Sunway Hotel Resort & Spa, Selangor (Closing Date : 11 Jul)
• Sun, 1 Augl – MS Garden, Kuantan (Closing Date : 18 Jul)
Led by a consultant paediatrician, each session will present step-by-step demonstrations from qualified baby care experts on how to bathe & massage your baby. A wonderful learning opportunity, spaces at the workshops tend to fill up quickly, so don’t dally!
To register, call 1-300-88-0566 or email us your name and phone number to – we’ll be in touch.
* I was informed that you need to pay RM20 and you will get the J&J goodies beg worth RM20..kira free la this workshop.
**Rasa mcm nak pi coz dekat ngan MV kan....tinggai anak2 kat bibik or pos kat umah Nenek kat Prima Damansara, boleh dating ngan Mr Hubby. :P