
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Melepas la pulakkkkkkkkk


Td petang time meeting dapat one call dr one house owner. Actually waktu last month dok survey umah2 sewa ada berkenan satu umah nih. Same taman with our current rent house but this house is corner lot and renovated. Got spacious porch n laman. But bila jenguk x ada iklan for rent but I made my own initiative put the note said that im interested to rent the house.

Tetiba hari nih br dapat call dr owner umah tuh which is mmg dia nak sewakan umah n yg paling menarik tuh dia offer rate is RM 450 per month. For our rent house, we paid RM 500 where it is 22X75 intermediate doube storey house. Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. tertekan btul aku…After that call, I cant stop thinking that house even time aku mengajar math sampai contoh2 aku bg pasai umah..hahahaha..

Bila citer kat Mr. Hubby dia pun cakap..nak buat mcm mana..x ada rezeki kita….

Actually im still at Prima Damansara. Td pagi lori dah bwk furniture2 semua but since Mr. Hubby ambik 3 Tan Lorry so ada a few yg kena tinggal kat cni n kena angkut ngan kete this weekend. Yg paling sedih is bookcase Ikea aku kena tinggai kat umah Prima Damansara nih..

Oklah nak tido plus im expecting I will wake up in middle of night since Hani & Ichlas is having cough & flu. Poor my babies dek krn habuk2 yg berterbangan nih.


  1. mmg time neh dia org akan terkena habuk ...aku pindah hari tew terus yaya selsema n batuk ...aku pun cam semput je sebab habuks ....

  2. huiii....ala ader kot hikmat disebalik nya

  3. hi..come over to my sales blog yaa..ada new tudung available..tq


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