Sapa pernah gi tgk F1 kat Sepang?
Ticket dia paling murah bp puluh ek? tuh kat stand mana? kat mana nak beli ticket? help me coz x dan nak surf tenet.
Kalu sapa nak bg free pun mak sukerrrrrrr..kekekekeke
mak nak bwk anak teruna yg tgh demam nih tgk cars.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Alahai Ichlas Iskandar!

Ichlas still x nak gi nursery/school. Still menangis + meraung + keraskan badan. Even sampai suara serak. N yesterday , he down with high fever 39.5. isk...susah hati mak..Hari nih mak bwk di gi office. yg sedih yer semlm waktu hantar dia mmg menangis teruk. Siap waktu aku angkat dia dia peluk aku kuat2. Even aku hantar dia sampai dlm nursery, n mandikan dia. tu pun dia dakap aku kuat2..uhuksss sedih yer. n semlm aku gi ambik dia, trus dia menangis truk..aku tgk muka
dia merah....teacher kat nursery cakap, dia menangis n nak ikut parent yg dtg ambik anak diaorg..huhuhuhuhu
sedih yer aku..prob aku ngan kerja br dah settled..nih pasai anak la pulakkkkkkkkkkk
susah hati btul aku.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My books!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

School holiday pun dah abis. My parent pun dah balik Penang. Bermakna Hani & Ichlas pun dah kena gi ke Playschool & Nursery. Yesterday, their 1st day gi after a week holiday at home.
Jadi semlm pagi, waktu hantar Hani still sleep but Ichlas dah bangun n guess what? Ichlas bermati-mati x nak gi 'school'..siap menyorok lagi. So, aku bwk Ichlas gi Kolej tuk punch card. n umpan dia beli bakpes mee hoon spore & air kotak. Then gi antar balik ke 'school'. Bila sampai dia still menyorok. aku trus angkat n Hani nampak trus both nangis melalak. Kau masuk nursery n aku pujuk n umpan bg mkn...lps suap mkn diaorg dah ok but bila aku nak start keter diaorg trus melalak..adusssss.
rasa yer diaorg nih homesick kot...dulu dah biasa dok umah bb sitter .nih kena dok ramai2.nampak gaya yer mmg kena la aku aku ambik helper mcm nih...Sabar yer Hani & Ichlas. Insyallah ada next month dah leh dok umah. but still kena gi school tau.
nih nursery & playschool diaorg. actually ada building lain nearby with this building. but mak segan nak jadi mamarazi kat ctu.
Skrg they learn at playschool where setakat nih x nampak lagik apa dia yer keberkesanan yer.. x sempat lagik nak jumpa teacher diaorg nak tanya diaorg yer progress. but I do continue teach them at home using material from Q-dees.

im thinking lps nih nak anto ke Smart Reader kat Banting nih but majority the students is ca-alif-nun-ya. ok ka?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sedih btul aku......... Aku byk bengang nih. 1st aku bengang pasai Internet.Even ada Celcom Broadband but dia connection lemb btul..nak load blog sdr pun ckit punya lama. sempat naik turun tangga umah lagik..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Nak comment blog korang pun x leh...penat taip last send error..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
2nd bengang is Mr Hubby dah gi terminate Streamyx. iyolah.....takkan nak byr free2 ja selama 3 bulan..nanti ada available port br apply balik.. yg angin aku x leh nak check email streamyx. so kalu korang nak invite aku mkn2 or berpoya-poya korang email yahoo aku yer..
3rd bengang is ada org kat opis aku bg aku bengang. angin satu badan aku..Br aku tau perangai dia...bila terjadi kat aku br ramai citer pasai dia..mmg teruk btul perangai dia..ingat nak ja citer kat Pengarah but Mr Hubby kata jgn layan....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
This week school holiday my parent from Penang bwk 3 org tentera dtg umah kat Banting nih. Hani & Ichlas suka coz x yah gi school n nursery. Hani pun tau skrg school holiday. Suka btul aku.
Yg x best yer lagik..esok aku kena gi kursus sampai hr Ahad. Kesian kat parent aku time diaorg balik Penang, aku x ada..huhuhuhuhu
apa2 pun aku nih !%&(^(*&()*_)*_)(_**^&*%&*
Nak comment blog korang pun x leh...penat taip last send error..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
2nd bengang is Mr Hubby dah gi terminate Streamyx. iyolah.....takkan nak byr free2 ja selama 3 bulan..nanti ada available port br apply balik.. yg angin aku x leh nak check email streamyx. so kalu korang nak invite aku mkn2 or berpoya-poya korang email yahoo aku yer..
3rd bengang is ada org kat opis aku bg aku bengang. angin satu badan aku..Br aku tau perangai dia...bila terjadi kat aku br ramai citer pasai dia..mmg teruk btul perangai dia..ingat nak ja citer kat Pengarah but Mr Hubby kata jgn layan....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
This week school holiday my parent from Penang bwk 3 org tentera dtg umah kat Banting nih. Hani & Ichlas suka coz x yah gi school n nursery. Hani pun tau skrg school holiday. Suka btul aku.
Yg x best yer lagik..esok aku kena gi kursus sampai hr Ahad. Kesian kat parent aku time diaorg balik Penang, aku x ada..huhuhuhuhu
apa2 pun aku nih !%&(^(*&()*_)*_)(_**^&*%&*
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Gaji oh gaji..
X sabar yer nak tuggu 25hb nih..kira 2 bulan x gaji nih…slmt dah jauh dr OU ..
Cari buku ASB pun x jumpa nak tebuk..isk…saya gigit jari tgk perkataan S.A.L.E!
Dok kat Banting nih dok diam2 gigit jari n tgk catalog S.A.L.E
Thanks Mr Hubby jd banker saya..hik hik
Cari buku ASB pun x jumpa nak tebuk..isk…saya gigit jari tgk perkataan S.A.L.E!
Dok kat Banting nih dok diam2 gigit jari n tgk catalog S.A.L.E
Thanks Mr Hubby jd banker saya..hik hik
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Im connected
Hi…I bersiaran dr Banting. Tima kasih byk2 la kpd Celcom Broadband n owner broadband nih bg pinjam buat sebarang satu dua bulan sementara tunggu Streamyx yg x kunjung tiba.
Kitaorg dah start tido kat Banting last Saturday n last Monday last trip angkut brg2 dr umah Prima ke Banting.
Yesterday is the 1st day Hani & Ichlas gi Playschool/Nursery Islam Bestari. Alhamdulillah both fine n happy. But mummy dia yg sebak pagi tuh anto dioarg. But hari nih..something happened to Ichlas. He cried start from 4pm until kul 6pm. Yg aku geram x ada org nursery pun yg call aku. Luckly my friends gi ambik anak dia trus call aku. Time tuh aku dgr background Ichlas melalak sikit punya kuat.Time tuh aku br keluar dr office trus bwk keter mcm pelesit. Sampai2 aku tgk Ichlas n Hani dok main playground but mmg nampak mcm Ichlas br lps menangis. Rupanya Ichlas sakit perut n perut kembong. Luckly ada senior bb sitter yg dtg sapukan Minyak Yuyi n lps trus Ichlas bg beb ‘tembakan’ n lps trus diam n gelak. But aku sound jugak bb sitters kat nursery tuh knp x call aku awai2. Yg aku geram diaorg x ada no HP aku. Padahal aku dah bg waktu aku register kat office. Caittttttttttt…nih aku dah tulis no HP aku n Mr Hubby kat beg diaorg. Kalu x nampak gak aku sekeh kapla sekor2.
This week is actually semester break.x ada class but I ada project conduct ICT training tuk 120 participant start hari nih sampai hari Jumaat nih.
petang2 xtvt aku bila sampai umah is dok tarik rumput2 kat laman depan umah. Rumput/lalang dah tinggi sama dgn Hani dah. pecah peluh but until today laman x clear pun lagikkkkkk
Tu ja nak citer.daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Kitaorg dah start tido kat Banting last Saturday n last Monday last trip angkut brg2 dr umah Prima ke Banting.
Yesterday is the 1st day Hani & Ichlas gi Playschool/Nursery Islam Bestari. Alhamdulillah both fine n happy. But mummy dia yg sebak pagi tuh anto dioarg. But hari nih..something happened to Ichlas. He cried start from 4pm until kul 6pm. Yg aku geram x ada org nursery pun yg call aku. Luckly my friends gi ambik anak dia trus call aku. Time tuh aku dgr background Ichlas melalak sikit punya kuat.Time tuh aku br keluar dr office trus bwk keter mcm pelesit. Sampai2 aku tgk Ichlas n Hani dok main playground but mmg nampak mcm Ichlas br lps menangis. Rupanya Ichlas sakit perut n perut kembong. Luckly ada senior bb sitter yg dtg sapukan Minyak Yuyi n lps trus Ichlas bg beb ‘tembakan’ n lps trus diam n gelak. But aku sound jugak bb sitters kat nursery tuh knp x call aku awai2. Yg aku geram diaorg x ada no HP aku. Padahal aku dah bg waktu aku register kat office. Caittttttttttt…nih aku dah tulis no HP aku n Mr Hubby kat beg diaorg. Kalu x nampak gak aku sekeh kapla sekor2.
This week is actually semester break.x ada class but I ada project conduct ICT training tuk 120 participant start hari nih sampai hari Jumaat nih.
petang2 xtvt aku bila sampai umah is dok tarik rumput2 kat laman depan umah. Rumput/lalang dah tinggi sama dgn Hani dah. pecah peluh but until today laman x clear pun lagikkkkkk
Tu ja nak citer.daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Streamyx oh Streamyx....
hi....still bersiaran dr rumah kat Prima Damansara.
Brg x habis angkut lagik plus hari nih byk event kat area Kl nih..mlm nih la kot akan tido kat umah Banting. hik hik hik
Last Tuesday, after lori anto furnitures ke umah Banting, Mr Hubby trus gi ke TMPoint tuk tukar line Streamyx dr umah Prima Ke Banting. Nak tau tak?
Brg x habis angkut lagik plus hari nih byk event kat area Kl nih..mlm nih la kot akan tido kat umah Banting. hik hik hik
Last Tuesday, after lori anto furnitures ke umah Banting, Mr Hubby trus gi ke TMPoint tuk tukar line Streamyx dr umah Prima Ke Banting. Nak tau tak?
n paling awai akan available is JUNE 2009. Saya ulang bulan Jun..kira lagik 3 bulan...alamak...x akan la kat umah not connected selama 3 bulan .huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
isk sian kami jadik mangsa even Mr Hubby yer kerja mmg jaga Streamyx..but last2 kat umah sdr kena tunggu lama nak pasang Streamyx. Even Mr Hubby got arguments with Manager Kat TMPoint Banting....kenapa manager tuh x push HQ tuk buka port yg baru even they got high demand from users kat Banting. Dek krn lambat,diaorg akan kehilangan potential customers coz customers akan beralih ke Internet Service Provider yg lain. x ingat manager tuh jawab apa but yg penting Mr Hubby sakit hati...nak ja aku suruh Mr. Hubby ganti jadi manager kat TMPoint Banting tuh...hik hik hik..
Then the next day tuh actually ada meeting with managers TMPoint from all over Malaysia but last2 Mr Huby MC coz mata dia MERAH dek allergic habuk. Baru nak bantai diaorg but x kesampaian..hahahahahahahahah
Alhamdulillah as option sementara nak tunggu bulan 6 ni friend of Mr Hubby sanggup nak pinjam kan dia yer Maxis Broadband..hik hik hik..So nanti sambil masak petang2 leh connected n tukar2 resepi ngan Nina.
So. hari nih kami yer xtvt is :
Pagi - Swimming
T/hari-Makan Kenduri Kawen at Sg Buloh/ My Dear Warehouse Sale
Petang- Birthday party kat Seri Kembangan
Malam- Tido kat Banting.
Gambar rumah? Tunggu yer....brg2 x unpack lagik...main humban jer brg2 tuh....
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Aku lah pulakkkkkkkk
hik hik hik...dah ketinggalan zaman aku nih..almaklumlah dah tercampak jauhhhhhhhhhh

ok tak muka aku pakai tudung ala ekin?
**korang tgk kat pipi aku.....ckit punya bulat bak kata mak mah...mcm kulum bijik durian..
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Melepas la pulakkkkkkkkk
Td petang time meeting dapat one call dr one house owner. Actually waktu last month dok survey umah2 sewa ada berkenan satu umah nih. Same taman with our current rent house but this house is corner lot and renovated. Got spacious porch n laman. But bila jenguk x ada iklan for rent but I made my own initiative put the note said that im interested to rent the house.
Tetiba hari nih br dapat call dr owner umah tuh which is mmg dia nak sewakan umah n yg paling menarik tuh dia offer rate is RM 450 per month. For our rent house, we paid RM 500 where it is 22X75 intermediate doube storey house. Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. tertekan btul aku…After that call, I cant stop thinking that house even time aku mengajar math sampai contoh2 aku bg pasai umah..hahahaha..
Bila citer kat Mr. Hubby dia pun cakap..nak buat mcm mana..x ada rezeki kita….
Actually im still at Prima Damansara. Td pagi lori dah bwk furniture2 semua but since Mr. Hubby ambik 3 Tan Lorry so ada a few yg kena tinggal kat cni n kena angkut ngan kete this weekend. Yg paling sedih is bookcase Ikea aku kena tinggai kat umah Prima Damansara nih..
Oklah nak tido plus im expecting I will wake up in middle of night since Hani & Ichlas is having cough & flu. Poor my babies dek krn habuk2 yg berterbangan nih.
Td petang time meeting dapat one call dr one house owner. Actually waktu last month dok survey umah2 sewa ada berkenan satu umah nih. Same taman with our current rent house but this house is corner lot and renovated. Got spacious porch n laman. But bila jenguk x ada iklan for rent but I made my own initiative put the note said that im interested to rent the house.
Tetiba hari nih br dapat call dr owner umah tuh which is mmg dia nak sewakan umah n yg paling menarik tuh dia offer rate is RM 450 per month. For our rent house, we paid RM 500 where it is 22X75 intermediate doube storey house. Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. tertekan btul aku…After that call, I cant stop thinking that house even time aku mengajar math sampai contoh2 aku bg pasai umah..hahahaha..
Bila citer kat Mr. Hubby dia pun cakap..nak buat mcm mana..x ada rezeki kita….
Actually im still at Prima Damansara. Td pagi lori dah bwk furniture2 semua but since Mr. Hubby ambik 3 Tan Lorry so ada a few yg kena tinggal kat cni n kena angkut ngan kete this weekend. Yg paling sedih is bookcase Ikea aku kena tinggai kat umah Prima Damansara nih..
Oklah nak tido plus im expecting I will wake up in middle of night since Hani & Ichlas is having cough & flu. Poor my babies dek krn habuk2 yg berterbangan nih.
Monday, March 2, 2009
* This is the 5th time i tried to post this entry.. dah karang baik punya but bila post trus error.....geram trus hilang karangan 300 patah perkataan.
Finally, we found the rent house at Banting..phewwwwwwwwwww..Yes...we're moving to Banting. when? this weekend yer puan2! I tried to travel from our house but ends up doc diagnosed me as hypertension/tired. Plus, last 3 weeks umah pun tunggang langgang even x masak pun(Mr. Hubby yer birthday pun x masak special just we ate the pasar malam' s food). Hopefully dah pindah umah nanti i will have the times to manage the house, kids & family.
Mr. Hubby took a leave last Wednesday to view the houses. so dia dah berkenan dgn satu umah nih kat Taman Cempaka, Banting. New house, reasonable rent rate and nice owner. Plus the house is nearby with Hani& Ichlas nursery/school. Besides, the house also nearby with Primary School gred A( in future once Hani/Ichlas start their primary school).
Our house kat Prima Damansara pun dah advertised for rent. Got few inquiries n finally opismate Mr. Hubby will rent the house. Hopefully they will take care/look our house and my edible garden.
Last Friday also is the last day for Hani at Q-dees. A day before her last day i asked her" hani..tomorrow is your last day at Q-dees. She replied " Tahu". I didnt prepare any snacks or goodies beg for her school . Pity her dapat mummy yg dok tgh jiwa kacau nih. Nanti kat new school mummy buat yer. kat bb sitter pun dah inform. She's ok coz maybe my bb sitter pun dah penat jaga bebudak coz x ada sapa tolong dia..anak2 diq pun dah gi sambung belajar. Plus, cuvu dia yg skrg dia jaga ckit punya clingy.Nanti x ada dah org nak buat baju kurung/dress/ Baju Melayu Hani &Ichlas. opefully my kids will happy with new school/nursery. Yes. Ichlas also will go to school together with Hani.
nak citer apa lagik ek??? iskk last few days berjela btul aku menaip. owh...that becoz this decision quit rushing, x sempat nak buat majlis mkn2 for the last time kat umah nih. But ada rezeki, kami akan buat kenduri kesyukuran kat umah kat Banting.. But ada ka org nak dtg kat umah aku tuh?huhuhu.Im gonna miss my house, my edible garden n my friends here. But dunt worry we will always come here coz nak bwk Hani & Ichlas swimming n mummy dia nak ler gi “tabor zakat”.
So..ada sapa2 yang nak buat farewell party kat aku tak?? hahaha perasan mcm aku nak pindah ke overseas ja padahal ke Banting ja...layannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Finally, we found the rent house at Banting..phewwwwwwwwwww..Yes...we're moving to Banting. when? this weekend yer puan2! I tried to travel from our house but ends up doc diagnosed me as hypertension/tired. Plus, last 3 weeks umah pun tunggang langgang even x masak pun(Mr. Hubby yer birthday pun x masak special just we ate the pasar malam' s food). Hopefully dah pindah umah nanti i will have the times to manage the house, kids & family.
Mr. Hubby took a leave last Wednesday to view the houses. so dia dah berkenan dgn satu umah nih kat Taman Cempaka, Banting. New house, reasonable rent rate and nice owner. Plus the house is nearby with Hani& Ichlas nursery/school. Besides, the house also nearby with Primary School gred A( in future once Hani/Ichlas start their primary school).
Our house kat Prima Damansara pun dah advertised for rent. Got few inquiries n finally opismate Mr. Hubby will rent the house. Hopefully they will take care/look our house and my edible garden.
Last Friday also is the last day for Hani at Q-dees. A day before her last day i asked her" hani..tomorrow is your last day at Q-dees. She replied " Tahu". I didnt prepare any snacks or goodies beg for her school . Pity her dapat mummy yg dok tgh jiwa kacau nih. Nanti kat new school mummy buat yer. kat bb sitter pun dah inform. She's ok coz maybe my bb sitter pun dah penat jaga bebudak coz x ada sapa tolong dia..anak2 diq pun dah gi sambung belajar. Plus, cuvu dia yg skrg dia jaga ckit punya clingy.Nanti x ada dah org nak buat baju kurung/dress/ Baju Melayu Hani &Ichlas. opefully my kids will happy with new school/nursery. Yes. Ichlas also will go to school together with Hani.
nak citer apa lagik ek??? iskk last few days berjela btul aku menaip. owh...that becoz this decision quit rushing, x sempat nak buat majlis mkn2 for the last time kat umah nih. But ada rezeki, kami akan buat kenduri kesyukuran kat umah kat Banting.. But ada ka org nak dtg kat umah aku tuh?huhuhu.Im gonna miss my house, my edible garden n my friends here. But dunt worry we will always come here coz nak bwk Hani & Ichlas swimming n mummy dia nak ler gi “tabor zakat”.
So..ada sapa2 yang nak buat farewell party kat aku tak?? hahaha perasan mcm aku nak pindah ke overseas ja padahal ke Banting ja...layannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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